Handbuch fir Autismus a
Schoulinklusioun zu Lëtzebuerg

Autism, ADHD, high potential, dys, etc.

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Autism rarely comes alone. There are often combinations with other characteristics or (secondary) difficulties. The focus of this platform is the autism spectrum. However, we would like to provide some information and contact points for other characteristics / findings / diagnoses, as it is important to be aware of these and to deal with them appropriately.

The following list may cause concern. However, many findings are known and there are helpful methods to deal with them. Consequential difficulties can also be counteracted.


Description: Combination of behavioural characteristics such as inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Maintaining attention and concentration can be a major challenge for people with ADHD. In adults, internal tension is often present. They can often be affected by sleep difficulties. Creativity, hyperfocus, problem-solving skills and broad interest can also be characteristics.

Contact points in Luxembourg:

Offers from Treffpunkt ADHS:

  • Helpline by e-mail
  • Discussion groups
  • Conferences, seminars and awareness campaigns
  • List of experts
  • Building an international network
  • Annual visits to the Minister of Health
  • Representation at the annual general assembly of ADHD Europe

Articles on this topic

Adultes et enfants TDAH : la prise en charge fait défaut – Le Quotidien – 09/11/2024 – by Christelle Brucker.

Summary in German: The article reports on the challenges of caring for people with ADHD in Luxembourg. The demand for support for ADHD sufferers, both children and adults, significantly exceeds the available capacity. The “Clinique de l’attention” had to suspend its admissions 18 months ago due to a lack of resources, and the specialised SCAP service for children is also unable to cope with the high demand.

Neuropsychologist Estelle Thilgen explains that ADHD is neurological and shows different brain activity, which is confirmed by imaging techniques. ADHD sufferers have difficulties with concentration and attention, but often have unique abilities and a creative way of thinking. Treatment combines medication and coaching to make the potential of those affected more accessible.

The SCAP, which can support up to 200 children a year, received over 1,000 enquiries this year and therefore only opens its waiting lists on a quarterly basis. Staff numbers are being urgently increased, while regular webinars and parents’ evenings are offered to provide support.

Further links: ADHS-Compact Germany

ℹ️ Our team of authors is working on this section. Thank you for your patience.

High potential


Website of contact points in Luxembourg:

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Website of contact points in Luxembourg:

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Intellectual impairment


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Trauma / cPTBS


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Eating difficulties


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