Where to start?
The first step is to get well-informed. It’s important to learn both professional knowledge and the experiences of autistic people. Here are the most important first steps in Luxembourg:
Information and initial points of contact:
You can get support in multiple languages in Luxembourg Take your time with this process. You don’t have to do everything at once. The most important first step is to get support and not remain alone with the situation.
- Contact the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL) – they offer comprehensive counseling and diagnoses
- Talk to your school’s psychological service (SePAS)
- For children: Contact the class teacher and school’s educational team
- Read experience reports on HASILUX
- FAL also offers groups for people with Asperger’s syndrome Getting support:
- Read about contact points on HASILUX
- The Center for Children and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CTSA) offers specialized help
Important to know:
- Every autistic person is different – what helps one person may not work for everyone
- Many forms of help are free or supported by the state
Who offers what?
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What are the procedures?
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How long does it take?
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What costs are involved?
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What support do I only get with a diagnosis?
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What support can I get even without a diagnosis?
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