The Dutch movement therapist Ruud Steuer developed the Airtramp in 1970. The LAP (Lëtzebuerger Aktiounskrees Psychomotorik) has been using the Airtramp as a psychomotric support material in Luxembourg since the 1980s.
The asbl LAP was founded in December 1983 by a group of educationalists, psychologists, doctors, psychomotor therapists and other professionals.
Until 1999, there were only two Airtramps in Luxembourg. Rob Bastian, therapist and pedagogue, founded the company Ikarlux sàrl
with the aim of further marketing the Airtramp and publicising it as a therapy device in Luxembourg.
There are now over 70 Airtramps in Luxembourg. Hundreds of professionals have been certified by the LAP and are authorised to work safely and purposefully with children, young people and adults on the Airtramp.
Ikarlux writes about the following areas in which positive experiences can be made and skills improved:
Tactile-kinesthetic-vestibular experience, coordination of movement, expansion of the movement repertoire, joy of movement, intensive and conscious body awareness, safety and freedom when experimenting with unusual movement options such as dropping or somersaulting, consideration and cooperation, improvement of concentration, endurance and self-confidence, stabilisation of physical and emotional well-being, diverse relaxation options (abridged list)
Using Airtramps at Park Sënnesräich
At Park Sënnesräich, visitors can reserve the Airtramp for a maximum of 2 hours. At least one person who has completed the Airtramp training must be present during the session.
- If the group includes a trained companion, such as a teacher, the rental fee for the Airtramp is €35.00 per hour.
- If the group does not have a trained person, a trained staff member from Park Sënnesräich MUST supervise/lead the session. In this case, the cost is €75.00 per hour. These sessions MUST be booked in advance so that the work schedule can be adjusted accordingly.
Additional training
In order to use the Airtramp in educational and therapeutic work, additional training is required in Luxembourg. This is prescribed by the Ministry of Education and comprises at least 18 hours of training. The content of this training must be validated by the Ministry of Education in order to be recognised.
There are currently 3 organisations in Luxembourg that meet these conditions:
- IFEN: Training Institute of the Ministry of Education for teachers and educational staff dependent on the Ministry of Education –
- LAP: Lëtzebuerger Aktiounskrees Psychomotorik –
- HORIZON a. s. b. l.: non-profit organisation that offers further training measures in cooperation with municipalities and institutions – (translated)
Questions to Ikarlux, Airtramp provider
Where are Airtramps located in Luxembourg?
There are currently 71 Airtramps in Luxembourg. The majority belongs to municipalities and is used by them (mainly primary schools, Maisons relais).
Some specialized institutions work specifically with Airtramps, including:
- Tricentenaire
- Ligue HMC
- Alzheimer facilities
For municipalities without their own Airtramp, it is possible to rent a 9x9m Airtramp. Schools then often organize intensive Airtramp weeks, during which the Airtramps are used by classes from morning to evening.
How often and for how long can Airtramps be used?
A single training session should not last longer than 50 minutes to avoid accidents caused by fatigue and loss of concentration. After a break, you can continue.
Can adults also use Airtramps?